Custom URLs

SQLPage lets you customize responses to URLs that don't match any file, using 404.sql.

Custom URLs

Handling custom URLs

By default, SQLPage serves the file that matches the URL requested by the client. If your users enter, SQLPage will serve the file about/index.sql in your project. If you create a file named about.sql, SQLPage will serve it when the user requests

But what if you want to handle URLs that don't match any file in your project ? For example, what if you have a blog, and you want nice urls like, but you don't want to create a file for each blog post ? By default, SQLPage would return a sad 404 error if you don't have a file named blog/my-trip-to-rome/index.sql in your project's root directory.

But you can customize this behavior by creating a file named 404.sql in your project.

The 404.sql file

When SQLPage doesn't find a file that matches the URL requested by the client, it will serve the file 404.sql if it exists.

Since v0.28, when SQLPage receives a request for a URL like, it will look for the file a/b/c/index.sql in your project, and if it doesn't find it, it will then search for, in order:

  • /a/b/404.sql
  • /a/404.sql
  • /404.sql

Basic routing example

So, you have a blog_posts table in your database, with columns name, and content. You want to serve the content of the blog post with id :id when the user requests You can do this by creating a 404.sql file in the blog directory of your project:

-- blog/404.sql

-- Get the id from the URL
set name = substr(sqlpage.path(), 1+length('/blog/'));

-- Get the blog post from the database
select 'text' as component,
    content as contents_md
from blog_posts
where name = $name;

Now, when a user requests, SQLPage will serve the content of the blog post with name my-trip-to-rome from the blog_posts table.