sqlpage.uploaded_file_path(name, allowed_mime_type)

Introduced in SQLPage 0.17.0.

Returns the path to a temporary file containing the contents of an uploaded file.

Example: handling a picture upload

Making a form

select 'form' as component, 'handle_picture_upload.sql' as action;
select 'myfile' as name, 'file' as type, 'Picture' as label;
select 'title' as name, 'text' as type, 'Title' as label;

Handling the form response

Inserting an image file as a data URL into the database

In handle_picture_upload.sql, one can process the form results like this:

insert into pictures (title, path) values (:title, sqlpage.read_file_as_data_url(sqlpage.uploaded_file_path('myfile')));

Note: Data URLs are larger than the original file, so it is not recommended to use them for large files.

Inserting file contents as text into the database

When the uploaded file is a simple raw text file (e.g. a .txt file), one can use the sqlpage.read_file_as_text function to insert the contents of the file into the database like this:

insert into text_documents (title, path) values (:title, sqlpage.read_file_as_text(sqlpage.uploaded_file_path('my_text_file')));

Saving the uploaded file to a permanent location

When the uploaded file is larger than a few megabytes, it is not recommended to store it in the database. Instead, one can save the file to a permanent location on the server, and store the path to the file in the database.

You can move the file to a permanent location using the sqlpage.persist_uploaded_file function.

Advanced file handling

For more advanced file handling, such as uploading files to a cloud storage service, you can write a small script in your favorite programming language, and call it using the sqlpage.exec function.

For instance, one could save the following small bash script to /usr/local/bin/upload_to_s3:

aws s3 cp "$1" s3://your-s3-bucket-name/
echo "https://your-s3-bucket-url/$(basename "$1")"

Then, you can call it from SQL like this:

set url = sqlpage.exec('upload_to_s3', sqlpage.uploaded_file_path('myfile'));
insert into uploaded_files (title, path) values (:title, $url);



Name of the file input field in the form.


Makes the function return NULL if the uploaded file is not of the specified MIME type. If omitted, any MIME type is allowed. This makes it possible to restrict the function to only accept certain file types.