
Introduced in SQLPage 0.34.0.

Sends an HTTP request and returns detailed metadata about the response, including status code, headers, and body.

This function is similar to fetch, but returns a JSON object containing detailed information about the response. The returned object has the following structure:

    "status": 200,
    "headers": {
        "content-type": "text/html",
        "content-length": "1234"
    "body": "a string, or a json object, depending on the content type",
    "error": "error message if any"

If the request fails or encounters an error (e.g., network issues, invalid UTF-8 response), instead of throwing an error, the function returns a JSON object with an "error" field containing the error message.

Example: Basic Usage

-- Make a request and get detailed response information
set response = sqlpage.fetch_with_meta('https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/ditto');

-- redirect the user to an error page if the request failed
select 'redirect' as component, 'error.sql' as url
    json_extract($response, '$.error') is not null
    or json_extract($response, '$.status') != 200;

-- Extract data from the response json body
select 'card' as component;
    json_extract($response, '$.body.name') as title,
    json_extract($response, '$.body.abilities[0].ability.name') as description
from $response;

Example: Advanced Request with Authentication

set request = json_object(
    'method', 'POST',
    'url', 'https://sqlpage.free.beeceptor.com',
    'headers', json_object(
        'Content-Type', 'application/json',
        'Authorization', 'Bearer ' || sqlpage.environment_variable('API_TOKEN')
    'body', json_object(
        'key', 'value'
set response = sqlpage.fetch_with_meta($request);

-- Check response content type
select 'debug' as component, $response as response;

The function accepts the same parameters as the fetch function.



Either a string containing an URL to request, or a json object in the standard format of the request interface of the web fetch API.